Matchbox Motorcity Municipal Parking Garage,1989

This Matchbox municipal parking garage set (complete with box and all parts) from 1989 was designed for matchbox cars and even came with a vehicle lift.

Matchbox is a popular toy brand created in 1953 and now owned by Mattel, Inc, which purchased the brand in 1997. The brand was given its name because the original toys were sold in boxes similar to those in which matches were sold.

During the 1980s, Matchbox began to switch to the more conventional plastic toys that were used by competitors such as Hot Wheels.

This Matchbox municipal parking garage set (complete with original box and all parts) from 1989 was designed for matchbox cars and even came with a vehicle lift.

We love that it focuses on “municipal” parking and not just a parking garage. Municipalities and other local governments build and operate parking to support their public services. Municipal parking is now a major vertical in the parking industry accounting for millions, if not billions, of dollars for municipalities across the world.

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