Parker Alarm Timer, 1950s

A vintage Parker Alarm Timer created in the 1950s to remind users when their parking meter was about to expire.

A vintage Parker Alarm Timer created in the 1950s to remind users when their parking meter was about to expire. The Advertisement reads “Your Parker Alarm Timer is precision made by Swiss craftsmen. Treat your Timer as you would treat your watch. Always turn hand clockwise.” One rarely thinks about how motorists would set reminders during a busy day for when their parking was about to expire prior to cell phones. Now we know.

The Podcast Museum is struggling to find a year this was released having found once source saying it was from the 1950s and another that it was from the 1970s. It was produced by Parker Time in Chicago.

Thankfully today our mobile payment solutions provide text and email reminders when parking is about to expire and we also have cell phones with Reminder and Timer apps. But 50-70 years ago, at least motorists had the Parker Alarm Timer.

Sponsor: This artifact made possible due to the generous donation of Christopher Jones.

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