Keynote Speaker at Parking Conference Does Not Use Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi Reference in Opening Remarks

DALLAS — In an unprecedented move, Ralph Simmons, Founder of Parkour Parking, failed to reference Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi in his presentation during the general session on Tuesday, leaving the audience, made up of parking professionals from around the world, stunned. Ralph was the keynote speaker at the National Federation of Parking, Mobility, Transportation, Micro-Mobility and Commuter Professionals (NFPMTMMCP) conference held in Dallas this week. Big Yellow Taxi, written by Joni Mitchell, is known for its environmental concern with lyrics stating, "They paved paradise to put up a parking lot". It is considered rare a keynote speaker would not reference this song when speaking about parking. “We are a bit flabbergasted to say the least,” says DeMarcus Parker, Executive Director of NFPMTMMCP. “While this was a highly unusual and bold decision, I hope members can get past this anomaly and focus on some of the other brilliant insights Mr. Simmons shared with conference goers such as curb management and big data.”

DeMarcus Parker